1. High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Generally, people who observe high blood pressure have dull headaches, dizziness, nosebleed, etc. But even if you do not observe these symptoms, you must keep monitoring your blood pressure regularly.
You can measure your Blood Pressure with an electronic machine. You can get this electronic machine at a very reasonable price at Flipkart with Flipkart Coupon Code Today.
There are two types of blood pressure “Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure” Systolic is higher than Diastolic. 120/80 tells you that 120 is Systolic and 80 is Diastolic.
2. How to Control High Blood Pressure Naturally:
You can control your High Blood Pressure and Triglycerides naturally if you follow the following Tips. Slowly you can avoid, delay or reduce medicines. When you are absolutely normal you can quit medication under the supervision of a good doctor. But mind it, your doctor would never like that you should go away from him. Finally, you have to find out whether you require allopathic medicines or can sustain yourself naturally or on herbal medicines.
3. Lose Your Weight :
Lose Your Weight if it is on the higher side. We give here below the Weight Chart According to the Height.
[table caption=”Normal Weight According to Height”]Height, Weight (Female), Weight (Male)
152 cm, 40.8 – 49.9 kg, 43.1 – 53 kg
155 cm, 43.1 – 52.6 kg, 45.8 – 55.8 kg
157 cm, 44.9 – 54.9 kg, 48.1 – 58.9 kg
160 cm, 47.2 – 57.6 kg, 50.8 – 61.6 kg
163 cm, 49 – 59.9 kg, 53 – 64.8 kg
165 cm, 51.2 – 62.6 kg, 55.3 – 68 kg
168 cm, 53 – 64.8 kg, 58 – 70.7 kg
170 cm, 55.3 – 67.6 kg, 60.3 – 73.9 kg
173 cm, 57.1 – 69.8 kg, 63 – 76.6 kg
175 cm, 59.4 – 72.6 kg, 65.3 – 79.8 kg
178 cm, 61.2 – 74.8 kg, 67.6 – 83 kg
180 cm, 63.5 – 77.5 kg, 70.3 – 85.7 kg
183 cm, 65.3 – 79.8 kg, 72.6 – 88.9 kg
[/table] Generally, the problem of High Blood Pressure increases with the increase of weight. Therefore, first of all, you should reduce your weight if it is on the higher side. You can reduce your weight by jogging in the morning and evening. You should have the minimum fat around your waistline. You can reduce belly fat by crunches or reverse crunches. Belly fat can be reduced with the help of hot water bottle but it is a little dangerous. You may not burn your skin during filling the bottle or putting it over the belly. You should wear a vest so that bottle may not get in direct contact with the skin.You should do a regular exercise for about 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. You can have different exercises on different days. There are plenty of exercises such as fast brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing etc.
4. Reduce Salt Consumption:
You should eat less salt because salt increases the Sodium content in the body and blood which is very harmful. If you keep salt sprinklers on the table, never use them. There should be little less salt in the vegetables. Do not use salt on salad, curds or other extra things. If you are using sauces along with the vegetables, reduce the quantity intake per bit. Little more salt is recommended for the people who have low blood pressure.
5. Foods containing Carbohydrates and Fructose
Potatoes contain Carbohydrates. One should avoid Potato Vegetables and paranthas every day. It increases Triglycerides.
Similarly, Sugar contains Fructose. One should not drink Sugary Juices or cold drinks as it contains Fructose. Carbohydrates and Fructose increase Triglycerides and high Triglycerides block your arteries. Fresh Juice of Citrus Limetta without sugar is good for health, or simple Lemon Honey water is the best in the morning.
You should maintain your fat content in the body in consultation with the doctor otherwise you may face the problem of Arthritis.
6. Alcohol only occasionally:
If you drink Alcohol you should drink maximum 90 ml. once in a fortnight or only occasionally. It increases the Triglycerides and blood pressure. You can replace Alcohol with Red Wine, maximum 120 ml.
7. Quit Tea & Coffee:
Tea and Coffee are acidic in nature. These drinks increase blood pressure. You can drink Tulsi tea which is Alkyl. One should go towards Alkylic products. It gives you a diseaseless body. You can drink tea if you have low blood pressure. People do not know that the brown tea does not have its own color. Tea manufacturers use pigments. Extra colors and pigments are also not good for health.
8. Water during Food:
One should drink water after 1 hour 30 minutes at least after the food. Anything like curds, sauces can be used during the food. Water drunk during the food generates Triglycerides in the blood.
Friends, if you are fed up with the Allopathic medicines and you want to control blood pressure naturally, you must say Goodbye to Cold drinks, Alcohol, Non-Vegetarian food, Tea, Coffee, Potato Products, Sugary Juices. No extra Salt or Sugar. Just do jogging and enjoy a medicine-free life.
In case you are adamant about consuming all the above foods and beverages, you must take proper medicines under the supervision of a good doctor. Buy Allopathic Medicines at Discount up to 30% at 1mg at CashFry.in. There are plenty of other medical stores online such as Netmeds, Medlife etc.
10. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABMP)
“Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring” is a small electronic machine which is tied on your arm and your Blood Pressure is measured for 24 Hours. Sometimes Doctors want to know the fluctuations in your blood pressure during the whole day.
11. Breathing Yoga Exercises
There are a few very good Breathing Yoga Exercises, which you can learn and do on daily basis for 15 to 20 minutes. These exercises are simply incomparable and do wonders as far as the High Blood Pressure is concerned.
You can also have medical consultancy online at a very nominal fee of Rs 400/- at DoctorInsta. You can know How to Avoid Medicines and live healthy and happily.